aircon service cleaning

Easy and Convenient Aircon Service Cleaning in Talisay City

Aircon Service Cleaning / For someone who has a 9-to-6 job, maintaining the upkeep of the household takes work. You have to spare extra time to deal with the seemingly mundane chores.  Since I am not a technical person, I find it hard to look for a plumber, electrician, welder, and other technicians to fix …


Five Pre-Graduation Preparations For a Smooth and Seamless Graduation Ceremony

Graduation is the beginning of another journey.  For Filipino families, when someone in the family is a part of a graduation ceremony, the occasion is a remarkable event for the graduating student, parents, and siblings. It is the culmination of the hardships and sacrifices of everyone in the family. The road to the graduation ceremony …

Christmas Firework Display 2019: Talisay City New Year Countdown

Christmas Firework Display / For Filipino families, aside from the extended celebration of Christmas, spending the New Year with loved ones is eagerly awaited by everyone. To add a more festive mode of the yearly celebration, every January 1, Talisaynons are treated to spectacular heavenly sights – the firework display. For almost 30 minutes, Talisaynons …