fire safety

Protect Your Family and Home with These 5 Fire Safety Tips

Think Fire Safety this Fire Prevention Month, learn how to prepare your family and keep them safe to avoid disaster from striking.

Fire Safety / Did you know that an average of 42 fire incidents occurs in the Philippines daily? This amounts to around ₱4.65 billion worth of damage every year. According to the Bureau of Fire Protection, the top causes of fire outbreaks in the Philippines are faulty electrical connections, lighted cigarette butts, and open flames.

Since most of us are staying home with our families during this time, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our haven and sanctuary remains free from such health hazards. This Fire Prevention Month, educate yourself and your family on fire safety measures. Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Here are five fire satefy tips you need to know to keep you and your loved ones out of harm’s way during fire:

Install smoke alarms for fire safety purposes

First things first: install a smoke alarm. These alarms can detect fire way before your nose can smell smoke. Early detection can save your house—and your loved ones’ lives.

Install smoke alarms on every floor, including inside bedrooms and living areas. Mount each unit on the ceiling or high up on walls. Don’t forget to test these out every month and change the batteries every year. You don’t want them to fail you when a fire actually breaks out. After ten years of use, replace each unit.

Try: X-SENSE Smoke Alarm, ₱1,500

Get fire extinguishers or blankets ready

Did you know that using water to extinguish fires isn’t fool-proof? Since oil and water don’t mix, using the latter to extinguish grease fires can actually cause it to spread. Additionally, water conducts electricity and you can get electrocuted if you try to douse an electrical fire.

Instead, invest in a fire extinguisher or fire blanket. Confused about which one to use? Smother smaller fires in the kitchen with a fire blanket. They’re less messy and won’t damage food items in your kitchen.

For bigger, harder-to-reach fires, use a fire extinguisher. Make sure they’re available on each floor. Place them near the kitchen, garage, and any other exit routes.

Try: Daytech Fire Blanket, ₱489

Avoid open flames

Does your weekend pamper routine feature scented candles? Place your candles on a stable, heat-resistant surface, preferably at a distance from your bed, curtains, and other flammable items. To avoid flare-ups, light them far away from aircon vents or electric fans.

You might feel relaxed and ready for bed with soothing scents, but never doze off and leave your candles unattended. Consider switching to battery-operated candles if you have kids and pets who might accidentally knock them over.

Try: At Home LEDCandle, ₱230

Keep all appliances in working order

If you’ve been squeezing the last ounce of life out of your old appliances, it’s time to put them to rest. You’re not saving money by continuing to use rickety appliances until they give out. The faulty machinery and frayed cables pose a fire hazard. A fire outbreak will end up being more expensive than a new appliance.

Most home fires start in the kitchen, so keep cooking appliances, in particular, functioning properly. For malfunctioning appliances, don’t attempt to use and call in a repairman as soon as possible. Replace if needed.

Try: Haier Cooking Range, ₱15,799

Create a fire escape plan

In the same way you practice fire drills at school or at the office, your family should craft its own home fire escape plan as well.

Establish primary and alternative escape routes from the house and pick at least two meeting spots in case family members get separated from each other. Teach everyone the Stop, Drop, and Roll method in the event that their clothes catch fire. Lastly, buy an emergency medical kit you can easily grab on your way out of the house.

Try: Mediplast Emergency Kit, ₱465

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm with these doable tips. Taking such exhaustive measures might feel excessive, but as with everything else, prevention is better than cure. For emergencies, call the National Emergency Hotline at 911, or the Philippine Red Cross at 143.

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  1. Accidents with fire can happen so quickly. It is very important we take as many precautions as possible to prevent it from happening and the spread of it.

  2. I think always practicing your fire escape plan regularly is super important and making sure it is a sound plan. Practice always make it safer!

  3. My mom is such an emergency freak, and for a good reason. I agree with all of these. Especially fire extinguishers. We never forget to get it refilled too. Also, insurance. Home insurances are not expensive, and I'm sure it will help alot, in case something happens.

  4. It's always important to have fire prevention strategies in place, i think the best ones are having an instant smoke detector and having an escape plan

  5. Always good to be ready in an emergency! Thank you for the reminder! Going to check the smoke alarms!!

  6. I think creating a fire escape plan is a great idea and I'm not sure if many people do this.

  7. These are great tips. We are in the process of getting certified to be foster parents,and we had to do all of these steps. They could save someone's life!

  8. Thank you for these tips. In the end, never underestimate the havoc that fire can do. As such, it's good to protect ourselves at all costs.

  9. That is crazy 42 fire incidents happen daily. I don't know how many happen here, but I feel like I need to create a plan just in case.

  10. Hhhhmmm….about the fire blankets; I haven't seen any of those around here. Can an ordinary blanket work, too?

  11. This is very important as it can affect our life safety. Thank you so much for sharing these ideas!

  12. Couldn't agree more on this. We really have some emergency kits at home especially these days. I remember a friend saying, it is better to be robbed that experience a fire because everything will be lost.

  13. A lot of accidents happen in unexpected times, that's why we gotta prepare. Thank you for these tips. I need to start creating a fire escape plan

  14. These Fire Safety Tips are very timely. We should be very cautious. Be alert. Thanks for the info!

  15. This is great information! Unfortunately, accidents do happen and it is best to be prepared!

  16. Fire safety is so important. I used to have nightmares about house fires and was always careful about making sure our home was safe. These are great tips.

  17. Alexis says:

    These are great reminders for fire safety no matter where we live.

  18. Ronnie says:

    This reminds me that I need to install smoke alarms in our new apartment. The list of to do things is so long that I forgot about safety which should be first and foremost!

  19. Great tips! It's useful especially when you have little kids at home. Thanks for sharing this!

  20. It's really important to consider these fire prevention tips. Checking the wirings and appliances at home should be done regularly because this is mostly the root cause of most fire accidents. This is also my first time to hear about fire blanket.. I must check this out

  21. These are great tips.. It is better be safe than sorry when it comes to fire.

  22. linda says:

    These are so great tips and useful. Accident can happen anytime without notice. But we have to prepare ourself.

  23. thank you for reminding us to always be prepared. accidents happen so quickly, having a plan in advance can help avoid disaster and save lives.

  24. I think eveyrone needs to read this and really follow it. A fire safety plan is absolutely key to safety in the event of a fire.

  25. Unfortunately, we cant use an ordinary blanket. Fire blankets are made from fire-resistant materials.

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