Gen Z

New Study Reveals Gen Z’s Preference for Honest Brand Endorsers

A recent study reveals that Filipino Gen Z prefers genuine, relatable endorsers over flashy celebrities. Learn how brands can adapt.

Contrary to conventional marketing wisdom, the tech-savvy and discerning Filipino Gen Z values authenticity and trustworthiness over the glitz and glamour associated with celebrity endorsements, according to a recent study.

Gen Z

The study is part of Comm&Sense’s generational research titled “Common Ground: Pinoy Voices in New Media,” which surveyed 400 Filipino Gen Z individuals aged 16 to 26 nationwide to identify the key qualities they seek in an endorser.

Dr. Fernando Paragas, a professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman’s College of Mass Communication and lead researcher of the study highlighted that authenticity and trustworthiness are critical factors for Gen Z when considering endorsements from outside their inner circle.

“Gen Z is clearly telling us that authenticity and trustworthiness outweigh the superficial qualities of lifestyle and appearance when it comes to endorsements. This generation is looking for genuine connections and honest voices, not just polished images,” he noted.

Comm&Sense, recognizing the importance of understanding and aligning with Gen Z’s values, sees this shift as key to capturing their attention and loyalty in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.

“As this generation moves away from celebrity-driven endorsements, brands must adapt by engaging with figures who embody authenticity and relatability,” said Charlotte F. Reyes, Managing Director of Comm&Sense.

The same study also found that Gen Z men tend to place more emphasis on an endorser’s appearance than their female counterparts.

Meanwhile, income levels also influenced the priorities of Gen Z respondents. Those from middle-income brackets appeared to value trustworthiness in endorsements more than their counterparts from lower-income groups, who prioritized relevance.

The study offers valuable insights into the evolving preferences of Filipino Gen Z, revealing a clear shift from the allure of celebrity endorsements to a desire for authenticity and trustworthiness. This generation seeks genuine connections, prioritizing honest and relatable voices over polished images and glamorous lifestyles.

Moreover, the study suggests that brands should adopt a marketing approach that focuses on building trust and engaging with endorsers who embody authenticity rather than relying solely on star power.

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  1. I do not belong to Gen Z but I couldn’t agree more. Authenticity over flashy every time!

  2. Marjie Mare says:

    Thanks for sharing this great post. One thing that I could say, Genz do not shy away by saying what they want and bringing changes that are so needed.

    1. Agree with you Margie. They know what they want and will get it.

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