Capture Stunning Photos at the House of Benedict, Pattaya, Thailand

Discover the magic of House of Benedict in Pattaya, Thailand! From jungle adventures to tropical vibes, every corner is a photo op waiting to happen. If you find yourself exploring the vibrant seaside city of Pattaya, Thailand, there’s one hidden gem that should be at the top of your must-visit list – House of Benedict. …

The Sanctuary of Truth

5 Reasons to Visit The Sanctuary of Truth in Pattaya, Thailand

Explore the world-famous Sanctuary of Truth on your Pattaya visit. This gigantic wood sculpture complex features astonishing carved details One of the highlights of our stay at the Golden Tulips Pattaya Beach Resort was having the incredible Sanctuary of Truth located just a few kilometers away.  This world-famous attraction had been high on our must-see list, …