
Living the Best Life at 55

They say that life begins at 40. 

I disagree. For me, life begins at 55. 

When you think you have made a difference in someone’s life, this is the perfect time to pursue your happiness. 
Reaching this far, I’ve learned so many lessons about family, life, and relationship.  Here are 17 pieces of advice that will help us navigate life at 55 and beyond.

Mind your finances
1. Between 55 and death. It’s time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it;
2. Do not invest, even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof. They only bring problems and worries. This is a time for you to enjoy some peace;
Stay healthy and love more
3. Keep a healthy life, without great physical effort. Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well, and get your sleep. It’s easy to become sick, and it gets harder to remain healthy;
4. Always buy the best, most beautiful items for your significant other. The key goal is to enjoy your money with your partner. One day, one of you will miss the other, and the money will not provide any comfort then, enjoy it together;
5. Don’t stress over the little things. You’ve already overcome so much in your life. You have good memories and bad ones, but the important thing is the present.

Don’t let the past drag you down and don’t let the future frighten you. Feel good in the now. Small issues will soon be forgotten;
6. Regardless of age, always keep love alive. Love your partner, love life, love your family, love your neighbor and remember: “A man is not old as long as he has intelligence and affection.”
7.  Some people embrace their golden years, while others become bitter and surly. Life is too short to waste your days on the latter. 
Spend your time with positive, cheerful people, it’ll rub off on you and your days will seem that much better. Spending your time with bitter people will make you feel older and harder to be around;

8.  Pains and discomfort go hand in hand with getting older. Try not to dwell on them but accept them as a part of life;
9. If you’ve been offended by someone – forgive them. If you’ve offended someone-apologize. Don’t drag around resentment with you. It only serves to make you sad and bitter. 
It doesn’t matter who was right. Forgive, forget, and move on with your life;
10. Speak in courteous tones and try not to complain or criticize too much unless you need to. Try to accept situations as they are;
Love yourself
11. Be proud, both inside and out. Don’t stop going to your hair salon or barber, do your nails, go to the dermatologist and the dentist, keep your perfumes and creams well stocked.
When you are well-maintained on the outside, it seeps in, making you feel proud and strong;
12.  Don’t lose sight of fashion trends for your age, but keep your sense of style. You’ve developed your sense of what looks good on you – keep it and be proud of it. It’s part of who you are;
13. Always stay up-to-date. Read newspapers, watch the news. Go online and read what people are saying. 
Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those social networks. You’ll be surprised at what old friends you’ll meet;

14.  Respect the younger generation and their opinions. They may not have the same ideas as you, but they are the future and will take the world in their direction. 
Give advice, not criticism, and try to remind them that yesterday’s wisdom still applies today;

15. Don’t abandon your hobbies. If you don’t have any, make new ones. You can travel, hike, cook, read, dance. You can adopt a cat or a dog, grow a kitchen garden, play cards, checkers, chess, dominoes, golf;
16. Try to go. Get out of the house, meet people you haven’t seen in a while, experience something new (or something old). The important thing is to leave the house from time to time. Go to museums, go walk through a park. Get out there;
17.  Laugh. Laugh away your worries Remember, you are one of the lucky ones. You managed to have a life, a long one. Many never get to this age, never get to experience a full life.
Final Thoughts
Our life is not perfect. There would be ups and downs. But we will survive everything.  Trust me. 
Let us enjoy a quiet life at this stage of our existence.
As the song goes, “Don’t worry, be happy”.
This article was an edited version of a Facebook post from a grade school classmate. I found this very interesting. I figured this might interest my readers and contemporaries. I am sharing this article with permission.

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  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful reminders, Sir. I love learning from others and will share this. Enjoy life and let others enjoy it too with you!

  2. These are beautiful thoughts, sir. I really did enjoy reading them. We can actually practice many of these at any age, better if you are younger. I agree with not investing when you reach a certain age, better enjoy life than worry about money.

  3. Soon I'll be 55 and I'll remember this post for an effective advice. Thanks you for sharing!

  4. As a younger folk, I enjoy getting advice from older folks and I loved these. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This post is fun! Since I am nearing 55, I take all of this to heart! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I agree with you on several of you points, but I also disagree with you on several. Life begins long before 55. You said "When you think you have made a difference in someone’s life, this is the perfect time to pursue your happiness". Why would I have to make a difference in somone else's life first? That makes no sense to me. My happiness is the most important. If I'm not happy, how can I make a difference for others?

  7. great tips and thoughts. I am sure you lead a lovely and happy life you follow this

  8. love your all points, I am 40 and will keep all this in my mind.

  9. Thanks for these pieces of advice, Ramil. We, young people, can certainly learn from this. I like surrounding myself with positive happy people. We choose our friends very carefully. And we stay away from negative people. Let's be happy and enjoy this journey called 'life'.

  10. Thanks for this heartfelt comment, Carmen. Cheers!!

  11. Thank you.

  12. Thanks for the comment. I guess, I am Filipino and that has something to do with our culture. But, I respect your opinion. See you.

  13. I am glad you learned something from this post. Regards.

  14. Thank you, brother.

  15. This is so good to read! You are living the best life indeed….we are always grateful.

  16. I agree with each and every point you've shared. It's true you shouldn't save at 55 or above,rather you should spend. And I've seen people lose their sense of fashion the moment they turn 40, they feel they are way too old to be wearing what they used to when they were young, truth is you can be classy without showing all your skin, and you don't have to look old just because you are getting old.

  17. Love your ideas. They are so practical.

  18. I want to do all of these now at 35 to enjoy life. Except the money part. I still need to save and buy a house first. But everything else sounds like things I want to do now.

  19. Wow! I love your advices. I still have a long way to my 55, but this is quite an opener to prepare for that golden year.

  20. This was such a great read and I hope i remember everything you said in this article by the time I’m 50. Still got a long while until we get there, but it’s defense a future to look forward to

  21. Staying healthy should be a goal for any age. You shouldn't stop at age 55 and 60 because you are never too old to excerise.

  22. Beautiful post, and so true. My dad recently passed away and although he took time for himself, he was so selfless and dedicated his life to others. I wish he had took more time for him, however being like this made him happy. Great post, I think finding a balance is important. I am starting to love your work!

  23. Oh, youre so sweet. thank you.

  24. Yes, Getting old means so should take good care of your body.

  25. Thanks, Christian. I always reaad your articles.

  26. Yes, we should take good care of our body when we are old.

  27. linda says:

    Such a beautiful article. We need to love ourself which so important. Thanks for sharing with us.

  28. I loved reading through your article. Never be afraid to try anything, regardless of your age. Overall, it's just a matter of perspective and the choice to do it.

  29. This is such a wonderful post. We should always see ourselves in the future and what we want ourselves to be. At that age, I'm dreaming of just travelling with my husband, letting the kids build their own future while guiding them.

  30. Kudos sir! This is really inspiring and i love all the positivity. I really admire such positive mindset. It's funny how people at their 20s and 30s make so much complains about life and here you are living your life to the fullest. Such an inspiration.. I hope i also have the same outlook when i reach my 50s

  31. Damn Ramil! Thanks for sharing your heart on this! Happy birthday to you.

  32. #17 is my favorite! I totally agree with it. Yes, there are many ups and downs but I am thankful of the life that I have and the kind of life that I have. No major sickness or what-so-ever and that is more than enough.

  33. It is interesting article! My husband is 53 now and he started to complain he is getting old. I`ll show your post to him.

  34. Give advice, do not judge. Give advice only if asked for. It is important to not give unsolicited advice.

  35. I want to embrace my golden years. Bitter and Surly is not for me!!

  36. This is fabulous! I am 52 and will be 55 in no time! I love your outlook on life and agree with all of your suggestions! =)

  37. I don't think life end at any age because I see some people living their life to the fullest in different and variety of ages.

    Fransic –

  38. Great tips at 55! I would really like to see myself cross that age in the future. Baby steps as they say. I really hope for a brighter future.

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