BIR in 2024

What’s New with BIR in 2024 – A Must-Read for Every Juan

Big news for taxpayers!  Unpack the essentials of RA 11967 – from a fee-free registration world to revamped transaction rules. Micro and small taxpayers, this one’s for you!

With the recent approval of RA 11967, also known as the Ease of Paying Taxes Act, let’s discuss some of the crucial BIR updates that every taxpayer needs to know.

As a background, this law is passed to make the tax payment process more straightforward and efficient for citizens. Taxpayers must be informed about these changes, ensuring adherence to the latest regulations and enhancing the overall experience of paying taxes by making it smoother and more efficient.  So, what’s new with BIR in 2024?

Removal of the 500-peso registration fee

Both individual and corporate taxpayers can breathe a sigh of relief, as the burden of this registration cost has been lifted. The move will encourage more individuals and businesses to comply with tax regulations without the initial financial hurdle.

Whether you’re a small business owner or an individual taxpayer, this fee waiver is a positive step toward fostering a more accessible and inclusive tax environment.

Sellers are required to issue Official Receipt or Sales Invoice for every sale transaction amounting to 500 pesos and up

New sale transaction requirement in the issuance of SI or OR

Taxpayers are required to issue either a Sales Invoice (SI) or an Official Receipt (OR) for every sale of goods or services amounting to 500 pesos and up.  This measure ensures a more transparent and accountable business environment, aiming to track transactions more efficiently.

Whether you’re a seller of goods or services, this regulation emphasizes the importance of proper documentation for transactions that exceed the 500-peso mark. It not only helps businesses maintain accurate financial records but also provides customers with a clear and official record of their purchases.

Decreased penalty in the non-filing of the year-end inventory list

Starting now, failure to file this crucial document will result in a penalty of 500 pesos. This development underscores the importance of timely and accurate reporting, even for businesses on a smaller scale.

The penalty serves as a reminder for micro and small taxpayers to ensure compliance with inventory filing requirements, promoting transparency and accountability in their financial practices.

The new interest rate for a penalty in the late filing/payment of tax returns

A new interest rate of 6% is now in effect, emphasizing the importance of meeting deadlines. This adjustment reflects a commitment to fair and consistent penalties, ensuring that micro and small businesses stay on top of their tax obligations.

It’s crucial to stay informed about these changes to avoid any surprises and unnecessary financial burdens. So, be vigilant with your timelines and payments to steer clear of the updated interest rates, contributing to a smoother and more compliant tax experience for micro and small taxpayers alike.

Stay informed with updates from BIR in 2024

The recent enactment of RA 11967, known as the Ease of Paying Taxes Act, brings about significant changes that every taxpayer should be aware of. These updates from BIR in 2024 aim to simplify and enhance the tax-paying experience, promoting transparency and efficiency in the process.

By embracing these changes, taxpayers can navigate the evolving landscape with awareness, contributing to a more streamlined, accessible, and equitable tax system. Let us stay informed, meet deadlines, and embrace the positive strides toward a more efficient and taxpayer-friendly environment.

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  1. Tax season used to be the bane of my life as an individual and small business owner. Now, thankfully I don’t have to worry about the technicalities.

  2. Amber says:

    It’s always nice when you find an easier way to do taxes. We still have to file ours.

  3. Karen says:

    oh man!!! Tax season is upon us…I am dreading doing mine, it is never a fun activity to do but it gotta be done lol…

    1. Yup. You cannot escape taxes.

  4. I need all the tax help I can get. I do want a big refund.

  5. Anita Fonte says:

    I have not heard about this. I will have to ask my tax accountant when I see them later this month.

  6. Kathy says:

    This is all good to know. My husband and I are getting ready to do taxes soon, so I’m glad to have read through this.

  7. I’m kinda dreading doing my taxes this year. People have been complaining that they are owing this year when they typically get a ton of money back. I gave some self employment on mine so it complicates things.

  8. Staying informed about changes in tax regulations is essential for ensuring compliance and efficiency. I

  9. Nice read and great information for all Filipinos. After all, tax payments are inevitable.

  10. Vidya says:

    always good to keep ourselves informed on changes in rules and such for tax season so thanks for providing this info

  11. Marie Gizelle says:

    This is detailed update on what to look out for regarding taxes- I hope every Juan who needs to file theirs find this article.

    1. Yes, I hope many people will find this article useful.

  12. Thanks for sharing! This is very informative and helpful.

  13. I haven’t heard about this but it’s good to know!

  14. Thanks for the updates. As a former Deputy Commissioner, i am always interested in BIR goings-on.

    1. Its nice to know that you are in public service before.

  15. That is awesome!!! It is always good to know about the BIR updates. Thank you so much for the information.

  16. Very helpful information! Taxes are very complex for me so I hire a specialist. Such mark sounds very easy, good to keep track. Thanks for posting BIR updates

  17. Raul C. Frias says:

    sana ibalik na lang po sa Appointment system ang process of Books of Account and Authority to Print dahil nagbibigay ito ng malaking problem sa mga malayong probinsya lalo na iyong mga bayan na mahirap pasukin ng internet signal at lalo na iyong hindi marunong sa computer.

    1. I feel you. Pero kasi, sa ibang bansa online na halos ang process pag taxation ang paguusapan. Ang alam ko pag pumunta ng RDO, meron available computer and may magtuturo na BIR personnel. Sa BIR ORUS pag mag register ng BOA and ATP. I hope tapos mo na ito. Regards and thanks for reading my blog article.

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