SSS Sickness Benefits

How to Avail of SSS Sickness Benefits Program for COVID – Infected Members in Home Confinement

You don’t need to be hospitalized to avail of the SSS Sickness Benefits Program. You could take advantage of this incentive if you were with COVID 19.

Conditions for Availment of the SSS Sickness Benefits Program (SSBP)

To qualify for the program, SSS members should meet the following conditions:

  1. Members who cannot report to work because of sickness or injury and are hospitalized or at home for at least four days;
  1. Members should have paid at least three monthly contributions within the last 12 months before the semester of sickness or injury;
  1. Those who have fully consumed their company sick leaves and notified their employer about their sickness;
  1. Self-employed, voluntary, and overseas Filipino worker (OFW) members and those separated from employment must notify SSS by filing a SSS Sickness Benefits Application.

Additional Requirements for COVID-Infected Members

  1. COVID-infected members should provide a positive result of Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) done in a Department of Health-accredited facility, or RAT result using Food and Drug Administration-approved test kit; or non-FDA-approved RAT result;
  1. Copy of Certificate of Completion of Quarantine issued and signed by a Medical Officer from the LGU or the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team.

How to Apply for the SSBP

SSS Sickness Benfits

  1. Employer to notify SSS of the employee’s sickness or injury through the My.SSS facility. Go to
  1. For non-employed members:
    • Go to
    • Access your My.SSS account
    • Click the E-services tab and choose Submit Sickness Notification
    • Encode all the necessary data:

SS Number


Date of Sick Leave

Claim Type

Confinement Location

Number of Days Applied

Physician’ ID/PRC number

    • Tap ADD and SUBMIT
    • Click OK and AGREE
    • Click INQUIRY to view the evaluation result

Related Post: SSS Scams that you Should Avoid to Protect You Online Account

Prescriptive Period of Filing the SSBP

  1. Self-employed, voluntary, or separated from employment may file their Sickness Benefit application within 60 days after the implementation of the Enhanced or General Community Quarantine.
  1. If hospitalized, members may file their application within one year from the date of hospital discharge.

How to inquire about the status of your application?

The processing of benefits is based on SSS guidelines and requirements. The documents are verified according to the member’s records to ensure that the rightful claimant or beneficiary accordingly receives the benefits.

For status verification, please with the following information:

  1. Full Name
  1. SSS Number
  1. Details of your concern
  1. SSS ID or two valid IDs (as an attachment to your email; not more than 4MB)

SSS Sickness Benefits Program

The Sickness Benefit Program is a daily cash stipend paid according to the number of days an employee is on sick leave.

Members can avail of a maximum of 120 days in sickness benefit in one calendar year. Daily sickness benefit allowance is computed based on 90% of the member’s average daily salary credit.

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  1. Thank you for the detailed information on SSBP

  2. thank you for the steps! they’re easy to follow. it’s important to avail especially in these times 🙂

  3. Excellent and detailed post on SSBP. Thanks, you’ve helped me out a lot!

  4. It is nice to know about different services available. Thanks for sharing this useful resource.

  5. Now it is very important to get help during COVID. I hope many people could get sickness benefits.

  6. this is what we need especially in these times. The application process does not seem complicated.

  7. Offerings are really quite different than what is offered by me. It is interesting to learn of them.

  8. Amazing tutorial, this will help a lot of people to understand how to do it and more about the SSBP

  9. Hhhhmmm….alright then! Thank you for sharing this. It’s good to know programs like these exist!

  10. Rosey says:

    I wasn’t able to get Covid pay because I home tested positive when I had it. They told me at the end of the two week quarantine to go test at the clinic for Covid pay but by then, I was over it, and that was that… It would have been nicer to know in the beginning.

  11. Thank you for the detailed information. I am lucky that I don’t need this kind of benefit from SSS because I was never infected. I will send your link to my friend who will help her family with this info. They recently got tested positive. This will surely help them with their medical expenses.

    1. Thanks for sharing my link. Regards, Kat.

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